Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Rocky Starts, Strong Finishes

The reign of Saul, Israel’s first king, was a disaster. It began with the demand of a willful and faithless people and ended with an ignominious death. There was little to commend it. Though the start of the monarchy in Israel was ill conceived and poorly executed, it nevertheless proved glorious.

Glorious might seem an odd adjective given what one reads about the kings who reigned in the Northern and Southern kingdoms. There are many, many more Saul-like failures than there are successes. But the glory of the monarchy is ultimately not realized in the earthly reigns of fallen men. Rather, it is ultimately realized in the one who sits enthroned as the King of kings and Lord of lords. As such, what began badly has ended (and will end) wonderfully.

This is the very nature of the gospel. God takes broken circumstances and people and transform them. Each of us was brought to Christ when we were willful and faithless and by his power and through his mercy, he redeems us so that we will end better than we began. Understanding this, none who read this should think themselves beyond hope. Your willfulness and faithlessness, no matter how horribly it has been expressed, is not irredeemable. If you repent and submit yourself to the kingship of Christ you will be held fast by the one who takes rocky starts and turns them into strong finishes.