God’s judgment of Saul (1 Samuel 28, 31) was of a
similar stripe. It’s true that Saul had been plucked unasked from obscurity and
made king of Israel. But before we cut Saul slack for his failings, we must
keep in mind that he had been given what he needed to accomplish the job he had
been assigned: the anointing of God’s Spirit and the word of God. These are
tremendous resources that Saul squandered or abused. And what applies to the
Yankees applies to him, “to whom much is given, much will be required.”
God holds people responsible for what he has given to them.
This seems an inescapable reality when we consider the many parables of Jesus
that warn of the coming accounting. Like Saul, for the many around us who have
heard and pushed away the revelation of God, a just judgment awaits. Their only
hope is to repent and trust that what God has revealed in the person and work
of his son is sufficient to atone for their squandering what had already been
revealed to them by a generous and gracious God. Much has been given; much will
be required. For those who repent and believe, what is required is met in the
one who was given.