proclamation that the “Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10), reveals that
the heart of his mission was to wrest from men and women any sense that they
have no need of him. Men like Bartimaeus, a blind beggar, and Zacchaeus, a
despised tax collector in the employ of Rome, were persuaded of this need, and
when they heard that their savior was passing by, they laid hold of him.
Jesus’ encounters with these
two men serve as a fitting exclamation point to his ministry prior to Holy
Week. He had proclaimed his purposes early on in his hometown of Nazareth (see
Luke 4:18-21) and he had been faithful in demonstrating that, as proclaimed, he
had come “to seek and to save the lost.” That explanation of his work within
the context of these two final encounters, places his entire enterprise within
an eternal frame. The confession of Bartimaeus and the contriteness of
Zacchaeus reveal faith in Jesus that saves them not only from earthly bondage
but from eternal judgment as well.
Just after these encounters
and prior to his ascent to Jerusalem, motivated by the misapprehension of many
as to what was about to take place, Jesus relates a parable that warns of the
consequences of not grasping who he is. The message: understand now and live
accordingly, for when I return it will be too late. We are in that time period
right now. It extends from the moment of his ascension until his reappearing.
Pray that, like Bartimaeus and Zacchaeus, you will have ears to hear when the
good news about Jesus is made known to you. The faith that will be engendered
will result in eyes that will see him as the savior of the world.