It began in earnest some years ago in response to the publishing of cartoons in a Danish magazine: denigration of the prophet Mohammed would not be tolerated by Muslims. Riots broke out, buildings were bombed, people were killed. More importantly, free expression was threatened. The problem persists as exemplified by the events surrounding the recent murder of the US ambassador to Libya along with three of his staff.
Folks in the West seem terribly naive at such times. We respond to such violent acts with therapeutic language rather than moral outrage. Western tradition values discussion, consensus building, tolerance of other ideas, and the like. These precious and hard won values are worth contending for, even in the face of extreme threats. They are what fueled the multinational response to Hitler's hegemony. What needs to be understood is that 21st century Islamic fascism is of a piece with the 20th century Nazi variety.
If Islam cannot intellectually and morally contend with other ideologies and, as a result, must resort to murder and mayhem to get its way, then it should be abandoned. It should certainly not be branded as legitimate and apologized for by our government or any other government.
I commend to you comments by a thoughtful observer:
BTW, Terry Jones, the headline seeking "pastor" from Florida is, by all biblical standards, a fool.